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Automatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing Machine

Брз опис

  • Состојба: Ново
  • Тип: Машина за полнење
  • Machinery Capacity: 4000BPH, 400BPH, 2000BPH, 1000BPH
  • Применливи индустрии: хотели, продавници за облека, продавници за градежни материјали, фабрика за производство, продавници за поправка на машини, фабрика за храна и пијалаци, фарми, ресторан, домашна употреба, малопродажба, продавница за храна, печатарски продавници, градежни работи, енергија и рударство, продавници за храна и пијалаци , Рекламна компанија, работилница за фабричко производство
  • Локација на изложбен салон: Египет, Филипини, Јужна Кореја, Јапонија
  • Апликација: Храна, пијалоци, стоки, хемикалии, машини и хардвер
  • Packaging Type: CANS, Bottles, Barrel, Other
  • Материјал за пакување: пластика, метал, стакло, друго
  • Автоматско одделение: Автоматско
  • Тип на погон: електричен
  • Voltage: 220V / 50Hz
  • Dimension(L*W*H): 2500*1000*1800mm
  • Тежина: 500 кг
  • Гаранција: 1 година
  • Клучни продажни точки: Автоматски
  • Filling Material: Clean Air
  • Точност на полнење: ±1%
  • Извештај за тестирање на машини: Обезбеден
  • Видео излезна инспекција: Обезбедено
  • Гаранција на основните компоненти: 1 година
  • Основни компоненти: Сад под притисок, PLC, менувач, стандарден
  • Product name: Glass Pet Mini Bottle Cleaning Bottle Washing Machine
  • Keywords: Pet bottle washing machine
  • Function: Blowing air or water washing
  • Filling medium: Filtered air or water
  • Machine head: 4-12, can be customized
  • Speed: 20-50bottles/min
  • Conveyor belt length: 82mm (Stainless steel material)
  • Program control: PLC Touch screen
  • Bottle type: The bottle provided by cutomers
  • Тип на компанија: Интеграција на индустријата и трговијата

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Automatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing MachineAutomatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing MachineAutomatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing Machine

The Automatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing Machine is a machine that is designed to clean cosmetic jars efficiently and effectively. The machine is fully automatic, and it uses advanced technology to ensure that every jar is cleaned thoroughly. The machine is perfect for cosmetic manufacturers who need to clean a large number of jars quickly.

The machine works by using a series of brushes and nozzles to clean the jars. The jars are loaded onto a conveyor belt, which then moves them through the washing chamber. Inside the chamber, the jars are subjected to a high-pressure stream of water and cleaning solution, which removes any dirt, grime, or other contaminants.

After the jars have been washed, they are rinsed with a high-pressure stream of clean water to remove any remaining cleaning solution. The jars then move through a drying chamber, where they are dried using hot air. The entire process is automated, and the machine can wash and dry hundreds of jars per hour.

The Automatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing Machine is made from high-quality materials, and it is designed to be durable and long-lasting. The machine is easy to operate, and it requires minimal maintenance. It is also designed to be energy-efficient, which helps to reduce operating costs.

Overall, the Automatic Air Washer Cream Cosmetic Jar Washing Machine is an essential piece of equipment for cosmetic manufacturers who need to clean a large number of jars quickly and efficiently. The machine is reliable, easy to operate, and it ensures that every jar is cleaned thoroughly, which helps to maintain the quality of the cosmetics inside.

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